Mystics in the Matrix
Mystics in the Matrix
Embodying the Artist Archetype and Ushering In a New Paradigm w/ Sylvia Becker-Hill
In this episode I sit down with Artist, Teacher, Coach and Women's Empowerment Advocate, Sylvia Becker-Hill to talk about the shift away from patriarchy and towards a new paradigm where justice, human and other than human life, kindness, and a whole and healthy planet are all honored and taken into considering every step of the way.
Sylvia shares her reflections on the archetypal transformation from some of the more negative aspects of the warrior archetype to that of the 'Artist' or creative. This shift has great potential on both the personal and transpersonal level.
Sylvia also expresses the importance of honoring the parts of our current paradigm that have been useful, and not 'throwing everything out' or trying to revert back to ancient matriarchal structures that also had their own power imbalances. Sylvia believes we should instead glean what has been valuable from both paradigms and take these forward with us into the next place we are collectively journeying toward and co-creating.
Sylvia's Bio
I believe creativity is your birthright and suppressed creativity leads to in-authenticity, depression and sickness. After decades of channeling my creativity through my corporate clients to empower their success, I finally found my way back home to the artist I always was.
I graduated successfully from the Color of Women Certified Art Teacher training with Shiloh Sophia, founder of the MUSEA global art movement. Intentional Creativity is for me self healing, self liberation and self empowerment. Merging it with my treasure chest of coaching and facilitation methods and sharing this cocktail of empowering transformation with you is my path forward.
I live with my New Zealand husband and our two teenage boys in a Southern California garden paradise full of old citrus trees, hummingbirds and wild rabbits. When I'm not empowering leaders around the world in coaching sessions using Zoom, you will find me reading in my hammock or painting in my whimsical art studio nestled under the shade of a California pepper tree at the back of our garden.
Website: https://sylviabecker-hill.com/
Juicy Life Leader Academy: https://juicylifeleader.com/
Resources Mentioned
Book: Caliban and the Witch ~ Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation by Sylvia Federici
Book: Leaving My Father's House by Marion Woodman
Color of Woman Intentional Creativity Teacher Training: www.colorofwoman.com
Here to Stay by Jon Algar from Epidemic Sound
Hymn For the Brave by Miles Avida from Epidemic Sound
Mad Humans by Kellee Maize from The Free Music Archive https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kellee_Maize/The_Remixes/Mad_Humans_J_Glaze_Remix
What Is the World by Amber Samaya Gould https://vimeo.com/549540121
Here To Stay by Jon Algar from Epidemic Sound
Sense of place and land acknowledgment
This podcast was recorded from my room overlooking grass, trees, and big sky on the traditional unceded, stolen, territory of the Tla'amin Nation. To them I offer my respect, witness, and gratitude for the profound relationship of care and stewardship they have maintained in this beautiful place for time immemorial, and for the teachings of interconnection and thinking 7 generations into the future that are shaping me in new ways. As a settler, brought up in a white supremacist culture that lacks honor, I am grateful and humbled by the invitation to see the world in this sacred, respectful, and intimate way.