Mystics in the Matrix
Mystics in the Matrix
Living the Adventure of Voluntary Simplicity w/ Amanda Shale (and Frank!)
As a young girl a framed drawing of two bears sharing a tricycle accompanied with the words ‘simple pleasures, life treasures’ hung on Amanda Shale’s bedroom wall. It is no wonder then, that later in university when she learned about the intentional lifestyle of Voluntary Simplicity through a reading group that she felt a strong resonance and has been on this mindful path ever since. Slowly and steadily she applied it to all aspects of her life, finding contentment with ever less comforts and belongings until we come to this current iteration of her journey. Trading the pursuit of wealth and status for a spiritually satisfying life she has grown into a self-assured and storied wild woman now in her mid-thirties.
And the short version? She is a dog mom, a van dweller of 6 years, adventurer, forager, podcaster, thru-hiker, photographer and writer.
Amanda speaks with me today about her long-term commitment to voluntary simplicity, her practice of presence when facing the harshness of both the physical and mental environments she finds herself, and the many lessons she has learned in her life as an outdoor adventurer, van dweller, and 'perpetual visitor' on the earth.
Amanda offers some beautiful wisdom and her lifestyle and personal story are both inspirational and paradigm shifting!
Hoping you enjoy this chat between the two of us - me, from my cabin in the woods, and Amanda, in a secret magical location somewhere in the desert outside of Sodona where she found 4 bars of perfect cell reception! Yahooo!
To learn more about Amanda and her dog Frank, you can find her online at...
Website: www.tidelinetoalpine.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tidelinetoalpine/ @tidelinetoalpine
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/tidelinetoalpine/
WALK9 Podcast: http://walk9radio.buzzsprout.com/
With presence,
amber samaya xo
Show Notes:
Poetry shared was by yours truly - Amber Samaya. Remember the Animal combined with The Reckoning. Both poems written when I was outside on the land being shaped and informed by it.
To learn more about Voluntary Simplicity, go here: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/voluntary-simplicity.asp
The music you heard in this episode included...
"Breezy" by Axletree from the Free Music Archive.
"Bluebell" by Axeltree from the Free Music Archive. https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Axletree/Sunset_EP/Bluebell_Acoustic
"Stars" by Ayla Nereo from the Free Music Archive. https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Ayla_Nereo/By_the_Light_of_the_Dark_Moon/Stars_1372
"Ancient Discoveries" by Gabrial Lewis from Epidemic Sound. https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/0xmS3avpdE
and the podcast theme music is "Karma Cat" by Dyalla (Creative Commons License)