Mystics in the Matrix
Mystics in the Matrix
Sacred Fear Alchemy and Resourcing Safety w/ Jenn Plotnikoff
In this episode of I'll Have What She's Having, I get to talk with the powerful and brave, Jenn Plotnikoff. Jenn is a Sacred Fear Alchemist and the best of the best kind of coach, and she gives us some deep insights into how our relationship with fear is probably in need of a shift in perspective.
This is a longer conversation that covers many areas directly related to our experiences of fear across the spectrum - be it anxiety, panic attacks, or low-lying chronic stress, to those moments when you are catching a huge wave and need to stay on top of your board! (FYI, Jenn is a surfer-chick living in Mexico and so you'll hear some good surfing metaphors!)
The highlights:
- Patterns of experience as a new framing for trauma
- Recognizing our bodies as an animal and tuning into the innate intelligence it holds
- Resourcing and anchoring safety through visualization practice (link to practice below!)
- Getting curious about your fear responses and letting your body do what it needs to do
- The wound of disembodiment - how being "here" is hard but necessary to claim!
- Paying attention to the dynamics of fear and learning where to position yourself the waves are approaching!
The waves will keep coming, but we are all learning how to ride them together.
To access a beautiful resourcing safety guided visualization generously offered by Jenn, follow this link to the audio file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7cd7fl7gykmji9l/Resourcing%20Memory%20Meditation.m4a?dl=0
To connect with Jenn, you can follow her socials:
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/movedfromwithin/ or @movedfromwithin
Personal Page: https://www.facebook.com/jenn.plotnikoff
Instagram: @jennplotnikoff
Deep Courage™ online self-study program: http://www.movedfromwithin.com/deep-courage-online/?fbclid=IwAR2wTxOUMZ7-m1lb3jevpGLpgjjAUrRYMLhjODumvom5IrrhBOrWx17cvlg
With heart,
amber samaya
Show Notes:
Poems Read Aloud:
'Coyote' - by Amber Samaya
'Go to the Limits of Your Longing' - by Rainer Maria Rilke
Opening music, "Threads" by Ebb and Flod from Epidemic Sound
Music for Podcast intro and Outro, "Karma Cat" by Dyalla (Creative Commons License)
"Something Wonderful" by Alan Piljak from the Free Music Archive
"We Forgot" by Ayla Nereo, Creative Commons License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/) from the Free Music Archive.