Mystics in the Matrix
Mystics in the Matrix
Learning to Lead, Learning to Follow, and Radical Social Work w/ Sarah Leanne Hart
Sarah Leanne Hart is a lot of incredible things all wrapped up in one very ripped and very caffeinated package! An accomplished pro climber, MEC Ambassador, facilitator, public speaker, student of radical social work, globetrotter, and coffee enthusiast! The latter being the magic elixir that makes all the former possible. In our conversation, we traverse the peaks and valleys of Sarah's life, and clip the following bolts:
- Managing an injury AND a multifaceted, busy schedule
- The personal challenges that led Sarah toward embracing Feminism and how she works towards equity for women
- Sarah's dedication to empowering teenage girls through the Learning to Lead program (Minerva Foundation)
- The transformation from "white" Feminism to Intersectional, inclusive Feminism
- Working on her Bachelor's Degree in RADICAL social work
- Navigating post-colonized systems, and the valuable learning coming from Indigenous communities
- The importance of critical thinking and humility as we move through the complexities of the world
So excited to share this chat with you.
To connect with Sarah online do one or all of the following...
Instagram: @sarahleannehart
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.hart.963
Website: https://www.sarahleannehart.com
Show Notes:
Minerva BC, Learning to Lead: https://minervabc.ca/learning-to-lead/
National Inquiry Into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: https://www.mmiwg-ffada.ca/final-report/
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs
Intersectional Feminism: https://www.law.columbia.edu/pt-br/news/2017/06/kimberle-crenshaw-intersectionality
Readings and Book Mentions:
Living A Feminist Life, by Sarah Ahmed
Lifting Hearts Off the Ground: Declaring Indigenous Rights in Poetry, by Lyla June Johnston and Joy Devito {Reading from Chapter 7, Article 7 and response poems}
Coming Back to Life, by Joanna Macy and Molly Brown {Reading from Chapter 2, pg. 21-22, "What Is Pain For The World?"}
Climate: A New Story, by Charles Eisenstein
Opening music, "Ghosts of the Rail" by Gabriel Lewis from Epidemic Sound
Music for Podcast intro and Outro, "Karma Cat" by Dyalla (Creative Commons License)
Wildlight’ by The Polish Ambassador, Creative Commons License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/) from the Free Music Archive.
Leverage, by Infinity Ripple from Epidemic Sound
A Temporary Solution by Inifinity Ripple from Epidemic Sound
Wood Carver’s Lament by Amber Samaya from Soundcloud