Mystics in the Matrix
Mystics in the Matrix
Mid-Week Musing - There's Something R I G H T with you
Midweek Musings are short segments in which I share reflections, poetry and prose, creative exercises, and many other supportive goodies.
This week I reflect on the idea - There's something R I G H T with you.
That's right - you and I - we're magical creatures in a complicated world. I've noticed a trend among women of striving for self betterment - the grow, get big, be more, get more, be unstoppable, kick ass ideology that can sometimes come at the expense of honouring the R E A L HUEmxn emotional responses that occur for us as we are exposed to the intensity of the globalized, colonized, pathologized world we find ourselves embedded in. There is anxiety...there is depression or sadness...there is anger...confusion...ambivalence...the need to slow down. A spectrum of natural responses to living with eyes and heart open. To being that kick-ass awesome feeling and sensing womxn that you are.
And so this is a call to honour your natural, intact, HUEmxn responsiveness. You can still grow, improve, actualize, and show up excellent in your life, but I encourage you let yourself experience your suppleness, your affectedness, your full emotional spectrum - the intactness and rawness of your empathy.
We are interbeing.
I end with an original narrative poem about an experience I had - supple, open, feeling my pain for the world - in the grocery store a while back...
With heart,
amber samaya
Show notes:
The music included in this episode included...
"What Once Was" by Gavin Luke from Epidemic Sound (https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/VLMCHp0SIs)
"Dreams Become Real" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) from https://filmmusic.io